
Worker checking their notes on an oil rig

Owners of power plants and refineries, technology licensors, service providers and contractors have been among Shawn Conway’s energy-industry clients, bringing him into contact with significant projects in Europe, the Middle East and North America. Involvement in these projects bolstered Mr. Conway’s dispute resolution credentials as he was called on to serve as arbitrator or mediator in several transactional disputes.

A sampling of Mr Conway’s experience in petrochemicals:

  • USA/The Netherlands/Bulgaria: Chaired two arbitration panels in disputes between an American producer of auto lubricants and its Central European distributor.
  • Switzerland: Counsel before the International Chamber of Commerce for a supplier harmed by delays at a coal-burning power plant in Mississippi.
  • Poland/The Netherlands: Mediated a dispute between an engineering firm and a subcontractor at a Norwegian power plant.
  • USA/The Netherlands: Negotiated technology licenses from US oil and technology companies for use at a European refinery.